Do you have a fear from the dentist? Ever heard of anesthesia at the dentist? Now at Onix Dental Dental Clinic in Sopron you can have dental treatment under anesthesia. For more information please call +43 664 398 1948. We will be glad to answer your questions!
In addition, you will find a detailed explanation about the course of the anesthesia at the dentist by means of an interview with Dr. Kovács Roland, specialist dentist specialized for treatments under anesthesia.
What is anesthesia at the dentist?
What is anesthesia at the dentist? What happens to the patient during anesthesia? Do I need anesthesia? What do you have to look out for? Advantages and disadvantages. We have an interview with our senior dentist, Dr. Kovács Roland, where he tells us all about anesthesia at the dentist.
Dr. Kovács, nowadays the use of anesthesia at the dentist is very common. More and more patients are using this method. How so? What is anesthesia? What happens to a patient during anesthesia?
First of all, I would clarify the differences between general anesthesia and narcosis. Anesthesia, or otherwise, general anesthesia is used in a complicated surgery in the hospital, such as cancer operations. The general anesthesia is based on the patient’s life functions, for example, the patient must be supplied with oxygen. This means an increased risk that many would rather avoid. Anesthesia, also referred to as dormancy, where the patient does not need artificial ventilation, is a popular method of anesthesia at the dentist. All reflexes remain intact, even the swallowing reflex, so the patient does not need to be afraid that he swallows. We use anesthesia in patients who are very restless before the dentist’s appointment and who are afraid of the treatment at the dentist. Anesthesia offers this group of people a painless and relaxed treatment. The sounds are also turned off completely. The duration of treatment is shortened and they hardly notice the work of the dentist. So it is more pleasant at the dentist.
If a patient requires an anesthetic treatment at the dentist, this is done by an anesthesiologist before treatment. This sleepy condition is achieved by taking a tablet or by administering an injection. This medicine is called Dormikum. After the anesthetic has been entered, a numbing is also entered into the patient. After treatment, the effect of this medicine is reversed by the antidote.
What to look for when someone wants an anesthesia treatment? What should be done before and after an anesthesia treatment?
If a patient at the dentist wants a fear-free treatment with anesthesia, at first he has to fill out a questionnaire, where important answers are needed that are connected with the patient’s state of health. We also do some examinations to make sure that the patient can get anesthetics during a dentist’s treatment.
After it is confirmed that the patient is suitable for anesthesia, there are a pair of very important things that he must take into consideration before the treatment at the dentist. Do not eat solid food for 6 hours before the treatment. Do not drink liquid for 2 hours before treatment.
There are also some cases where we can not perform anesthesia. Such as on patients with fever.
After the anesthesia are also some instructions which one must necessarily observe. The patient can leave the practice of the dentist after half an hour.
So the patient does not have to stay under observation for anesthesia?
No, it is not necessary. The anesthesia lasts 2 to 2.5 hours. However, it is absolutely necessary that the patient comes with a companion to the dentist, because he can only leave the practice with a companion he can rely on. The patient can not drive a vehicle for 24 hours after anesthesia, nor can he operate a machine.
There are many advantages in anesthesia: the asleep phase lasts 30 seconds, the patient has no perceptions or reminders from the treatment at the dentist, there are no side effects, the recovery phase lasts 3-5 minutes and the recovery time lasts 15-20 minutes.